Since our clients are scanning a wide range of targets, we limit the Zmap scanner to 10 thousand packets per second.
Use cdxtract for zmap download#
Results are available for download through the dashboard or as an attachment to the email you will receive once the scan is completed. The second text file is the Zmap-ports-xxxxxxxx.txt, this includes a summary of all hosts with open ports listed as shown here. This is specifically designed to be copied directly into the Nmap Port Scanner form. The first is a list of all hosts where listening ports were discovered. The output from the scan includes two text files. Options for the output include combining the results into a single report or having the list of targets broken up into individual scans. Once again the Nmap port scanner can be used for UDP service scans.

We are still testing the UDP scan module that comes with the tool.

Note that there is currently no UDP available in our hosted version of this tool. Many customers are using the Zmap tool to discover "live" hosts with the smaller number of ports and then doing more comprehensive Nmap scans with service identification to gather additional information on the system. To scan all ports you will need to use the Nmap port scanner. Enter the custom ports as a comma seperated list of ports (max 100). The port options include scanning 12 of the most common TCP services, the top 100 ports (as commonly used in Nmap Scans) or a custom selection of ports. This particular scan type excels at wide ranging scans across large net blocks. Individual IP addresses and hostnames can also be entered. You must enter a public IP address range, as a single target or list of targets. Fill out the form, enter ranges of IP addresses to test Launch a Fast Zmap Scan in 3 Simple Steps 1.