
Canada and america currency compare
Canada and america currency compare

canada and america currency compare

So it was perhaps predictable the day would come when a significant number would muster the temerity to ask the sacrilegious question: does Canada really need its own dollar? But when the moment came last week, and currency union bubbled to the top of the soup of public issues, it was unclear what exactly had happened to bring it so much attention. In money matters, Canadians find themselves attuned to exchange rates the way they follow the weather.


Ten years after the two countries signed a free trade accord that bound their economies even more tightly, that line has become blurred to some and a nuisance to others.

canada and america currency compare

But the border was also something real: a line in the Canadian imagination, comfort and reassurance that despite sharing a continent with a leviathan, Canada was still a distinct society. The border was easily crossed on a summer vacation or for a day's shopping, the border posts approached with a frisson of excitement on the premise that something slightly more exotic awaited on the other side. For Canadians, it was a point of pride to live next to a superpower without needing razor wire to maintain independence. There was a time when it was one of those textbook facts drummed into the heads of schoolchildren, never to slip the mind: Canada and the United States share the longest undefended border in the world. "Debate Over Common Canadian/US Dollar," by Mary Janigan, Bruce Wallace, Patricia Chisholm, Ross Laver, Luke Fisher, Susan McClell, and Susan Oh, Accessed May 06, 2023, Article published Last Edited December 14, 2013. "Debate Over Common Canadian/US Dollar." The Canadian Encyclopedia.

  • Janigan, Mary, and Bruce Wallace,, and Patricia Chisholm,, and Ross Laver,, and Luke Fisher,, and Susan McClell,, and Susan Oh.
  • Janigan, M., & Wallace, B., & Chisholm, P., & Laver, R., & Fisher, L., & McClell, S., & Oh, S.
  • The Canadian Encyclopedia, 14 December 2013, Historica Canada.

    Canada and america currency compare